Flipping Brilliant

Flipping Brilliant 

A Penguins guide to a Happy Life

Images by Jonathan Chester  Words By Patrick Regan

The more you find out about penguins, the more they seem to have in common with another oddly endearing flightless biped. Namely, us. —Flipping Brilliant

Think March of the Penguins meets Life’s Little Instruction Book by way of National Geographic.

Award-winning nature photographer Jonathan Chester captures the essence of the Antarctic’s most popular residents to illustrate the similarities between penguins’ lives and our own. Patrick Regan’s clever narrative offers surprising insights and humorously entertaining life lessons.

The appeal of penguins is undeniable and universal. And we can learn a lot from these fat, funny birds. Lessons like:

* The meek sleep alone,

* It’s better to be smart than cute, and

* You can be too thin. (After all, the book explains, if the Olsen twins ever get locked in a walk-in cooler for days and are forced to live off their own body fat, they’re goners. Penguins? They’re good for months.)

Flipping Brilliantincludes helpful environmental information about the penguin habitat and the effects of global warming, including Web sites that show how you can help.

But then, who can resist the wisdom of Penguins! These guys really have insight…take my word. Worth the read, then share with friends…fun for everyone!

Amy Alspurg

Flipping Brilliant” is an absolutely delightful book full of wisdom delightfully depicted by penguins and their lives. Reading it is a joyful experience


I Love penguins and of course want to learn all I can about them. Now with this book, I can learn from them. It has very beautiful pictures and great “life lessons” This is a fun book to read when you have a few minutes or are having a bad day. Penguins remind us what life is about and show us to keep it simple. A great book!

Flipping Brilliant was also translated into Japanese and German

Flipping Brilliant